25 January 2008

Miss You

Do you remember that night?
You held me tight as we laid side by side.
Your passionate kisses burnt through my skin and made my insides warm.
You made me feel sensations I did not know existed.
You made me feel parts of me I did not know about.
You once stood before me without shame.
In the dark... In the Light... Under the Shower.
Do you know how I am gasping for air right now?
Do you know how hard it is becoming to get the minimum air?
Do you realize how hard it is for me to be alive?
You made me tingle and crinkle.
I am gasping now cause I cant carry on
You made me gasp once before for air
Out of happiness.
You made me cry in pleasure.
You are making me cry now to the point I wanna die.
I remember the feeling between my thighs.
I remember the nimbleness of your fingers.
Your lanky nimbleness.
Your seductive torso.
Your waist.
Your skin against mine.
Your hand cupped around my humbled breasts.
God how could you be so numb?
So cold?
Did you never ever feel for me?
Do you not feel the same fire inside of you that I feel for you?
Did you convince yourself so blasphemously, that even I got convinced?
I who know you so famously
I who know you better than you know yourself
I who understand everyone else
I who loves you beyond an love that existed in this universe
I misunderstood You?
Will we never end up together?
Are we not meant to be?
I need you no matter what I say.
I cant dream of life without you.
I cant dream about me without you.
I cant dream a future without you.
I cant live...
...without you.
Love me.
Hold me.
Please don't leave me.
Give me some hope.
Tell me we will be back.
Love me.
Love me.
Love me.